Can you explain the concept of “Planning Poker”?

There are a few of names for planning poker. Agile teams often use this method as a kind of self-evaluation in order to make educated guesses about the time and resources required to complete certain software development objectives.
In agile settings, a group’s performance on a task may be evaluated using Planning Poker. It’s done using playing cards and looks a lot like poker.
One of the agile-writers, manifesto’s James Grenning, initially mentioned Planning Poker in his paper.
Planning Poker is played by doing the following: 1. Handing each player a deck of cards that has numerical weights for evaluating needs.
The following user narrative is read aloud, the team asks the product owner questions, and any missing information is uncovered at this point.

Each member of the team makes an evaluation and places the card with the shirts facing up.
After everyone on the team has completed their evaluation, the cards are flipped over and the results are compared.
Fifth, if everyone’s ratings are the same, the group’s consensus rating is written into the wish list; otherwise, another round of debate and voting is initiated.
The benefits of poker planning over other methods of planning are substantial, including the following: – All members of the team are involved in the planning process; – Everyone gets a chance to contribute to the planning process without fear of being overruled by senior members of the team.
Team members are individually accountable for meeting deadlines.
In comparison to other techniques of estimate, PP yields more precise results.

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